Coordination business

We will find you a partner in your field of expertise
We understand all aspects of the aircraft business (business strategy planning, manufacturing, inspection and maintenance, operation, repair and refurbishment, equipment sales, design, testing, certification, and various tests).We have a network of several hundred companies in Japan and overseas that we can match with. In addition, we have a network of key people in embassies, governmental organizations, manufacturing, sales, repair, maintenance, and consulting companies in Japan and overseas, and can provide support with speed and care.
Support for import/export and sales of jigs, tools, related equipment, and other products required for aircraft operation, repair, and maintenance.

Aichi-Nagoya Aerospace Consortium FY 2019 Aerospace Industry Matching Support Project
The Aichi Aerospace Consortium conducted a matching project for companies in Aichi prefecture. in addition to the matching of aircraft parts that we have conducted in the past, in FY 2019, we expanded the scope of matching within the same aerospace industry, including the introduction of aviation equipment, repair and inspection (MRO)-related parts, and collaborative projects with overseas companies. A briefing session was held on Wednesday, September 11, 2019, at the Nagoya Chamber of Commerce and Industry conference room, where the needs collected from 21 domestic and overseas companies were explained. After that, a total of 20 consulting sessions were held for the nine companies that applied for the needs, and as a result of matching with the companies that provided the needs, three companies received orders for their products and two companies received orders for prototype manufacturing.
The project was featured in the Nikkan Kogyo newspaper.