Coordination business

We will find you a partner in your field of expertise
We understand all aspects of the aircraft business (business strategy planning, manufacturing, inspection and maintenance, operation, repair and refurbishment, equipment sales, design, testing, certification, and various tests).We have a network of several hundred companies in Japan and overseas that we can match with. In addition, we have a network of key people in embassies, governmental organizations, manufacturing, sales, repair, maintenance, and consulting companies in Japan and overseas, and can provide support with speed and care.
Support for import/export and sales of jigs, tools, related equipment, and other products required for aircraft operation, repair, and maintenance.

Aichi-Nagoya Aerospace Industry Matching Support ProjectCall for Participants for the FY2020 Public Offering Briefing Session
The Aichi-Nagoya Aerospace Consortium* (hereinafter referred to as "the Consortium"), led by Aichi Prefecture and comprised of Nagoya City and other local governments, support organizations, and universities, aims to support the entry and expansion of business by supplier companies in Aichi Prefecture in a wide range of fields in the aerospace industry, including aircraft equipment, maintenance, and service. To support the entry and expansion of supplier companies in the prefecture in a wide range of fields in the aerospace industry, including aircraft equipment, maintenance, and services, the consortium will solicit business proposals from companies in the prefecture that meet the manufacturing and development needs of aerospace-related manufacturers, etc., and conduct the "Aichi-Nagoya Aerospace Industry Matching Support Project" to match supplier companies with manufacturers, etc.This year, the project will also include matching with the needs of industries other than the aerospace industry, with the aim of strengthening the management base of companies in the prefecture related to the commercial aircraft industry, which has been severely affected by the new coronavirus infection.Before and after the matching, experts familiar with the aerospace industry will provide consulting services from multiple perspectives, including not only technical but also managerial aspects, and will provide support such as a concrete roadmap for business development.Prior to the public solicitation of proposals from supplier companies in the prefecture, we will hold a public matching briefing session to explain the manufacturing and development needs of manufacturers. If you are considering entering or expanding your business into various fields in the aerospace industry, or if you are an aerospace industry-related company looking to strengthen your management base by entering other industries, please join us.Please note that participation in this briefing session is mandatory for proposal submission.
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