Training Course Support Program

To share wisdom. Discovering the pathways and methods.
In parallel with our individual consulting services, we offer seminars for people working in various fields, with content suited to them. In the prevention of coronavirus infection, it is possible to take the course at home in a casual setting.

Lecture at Kansai Aircraft Industry Platform NEXT
In preparation for the Engine Forum Kobe, Japan's first international exhibition and business meeting specializing in aero engines and industrial gas turbine engines, to be held in Kobe in October 2020, a seminar was held for companies in the Kansai region.
A seminar was held for companies in the Kansai region.
The seminar was organized by the Kansai Aircraft Industry Platform NEXT (Kansai Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kansai Economic Federation, and New Industry Creation Research Organization). Aero Coach was commissioned as a lecturer and held two online study sessions on common issues in business negotiations with overseas companies (overseas business customs and points to note in negotiations).
The basic session was held on Tuesday, August 25, 2020, with the themes of "The current state of the overseas aircraft industry" and "What OEM companies look for in subcontractors". The practical contents were further developed based on the basic version.

After the lecture, the secretariat distributed questionnaires to the participants, and more than 70% of the participants gave a high evaluation, saying that the lecture was very meaningful.
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