Aircraft related equipment sales business

Select the latest equipment in Japan and overseas.
Import and export through our world network.
We support the import/export sales of aviation-related equipment manufactured by domestic and foreign companies.
We support equipment and supplies required for aircraft (fixed wing, helicopter, unmanned aircraft, etc.) operation, inspection and maintenance, and repair work.

Support for the development of new batteries
High-power, lightweight batteries are in demand. There is a worldwide boom in the development of electrified aircraft and unmanned drones. The key technologies are high-power lightweight motors and lightweight, high-capacity batteries that are safe and easy to handle. The development of this technology is being promoted all over the world, and even in Japan, the development of this technology is urgently needed in various research institutes and companies.Aero Coach hopes to create a new industry in Japan in the future by connecting investors and research institutes in Europe and the United States with small and medium-sized companies, venture companies and research institutes in Japan, using its domestic and international networks. We are currently providing support for this purpose.
Aero Coach is a proud supporter of MK Plus and FORM bridge. We look forward to working with you.