Aircraft related equipment sales business

Select the latest equipment in Japan and overseas.
Import and export through our world network.
We support the import/export sales of aviation-related equipment manufactured by domestic and foreign companies.
We support equipment and supplies required for aircraft (fixed wing, helicopter, unmanned aircraft, etc.) operation, inspection and maintenance, and repair work.

System Development Support for the Digital Factory
The use of virtual reality is an important theme for the aerospace industry. The use of VR is desired around the world, and research is being conducted by various organizations and companies. In Taiwan, which is one of the leading countries in Asia in terms of IT industry technology, this company was among the first to research the possibility of using HMD, Supervision, and Navigation in the digital factory for inspection and training processes. By using this technology, we can expect various effects such as accurate work following guidance, accurate detection, reliable work even at the first time, reliable work at one time, real-time recording, no need for repeated training, etc. As a result, we can shorten the training time of workers, reduce manpower, reduce redo time, accurate recording, and enhance traceability. We believe the development should be in line with your company's process, and is something that we can work together. Please consult with us first to complete your original system.

Aero Coach is the exclusive distributor of ADAT Technology in Japan. We look forward to serving you.
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