Factory Tour Support Business

Let's take a local, hands-on approach!
to provide our customers with what they need, when they need it!
Aero Coach plans and executes factory tours to guide people involved in organizations that formulate corporate support policies and supplier companies to a wide range of domestic and overseas companies.

Planning and execution of a mission to visit the French aircraft industry
In response to a request from the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), we conducted factory visits to Airbus, ATR, SOGECLAIR FARELLA (WE ARE GROUP), and LASELEC in the Franco-Stuyvesant area on Monday, December 3, 2018 and Friday, December 7, 2018.

Organizations and companies that Aero Coach has supported
- Officials from Aichi, Nagoya, Mie and Gifu prefectures, JETRO Nagoya and JETRO Paris
- Chubu Aerospace Technology Center (CASTEC) staff and expert coordinators
- About 20 people from companies in the above mentioned prefectures.