Factory Tour Support Business

Let's take a local, hands-on approach!
to provide our customers with what they need, when they need it!
Aero Coach plans and executes factory tours to guide people involved in organizations that formulate corporate support policies and supplier companies to a wide range of domestic and overseas companies.

Aircraft observation at Department of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Teikyo University
The Faculty of Science and Engineering of Teikyo University is located in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, and has various experimental buildings, research buildings, hangars, and testing facilities on a vast site. In the hangar of the Department of Aerospace Engineering, retired aircraft from the Air Self-Defense Force are stored as they are, making it an ideal place to learn about the structure, functions, systems, and support equipment of aircraft. With the approval of the university, you can visit the museum and get explanations from the students in charge, which will help you understand the aircraft better. The inside of the fuselage and the cockpit are also accessible, and are kept in their original state.
On Thursday, November 26, 2020, we visited the hangar to escort members of the Hokkaido Machinery Association.
Teikyo University Hangar and T-3 Primary Trainer Aircraft
Teikyo University hangar and T-2 advanced trainer

Organizations and companies that Aero Coach has supported
●Staff of Aichi Prefecture and Hokkaido Machinery Industry Association